By Laura M. Tapia | Updated June 3, 2016

The Riverside Police Department blocked off Magnolia Avenue at Terracina Drive on June 2 amid reports of gunfire.
The investigation by RPD confirmed the weapon involved was not a firearm, but a pellet or BB gun, according to an email from Michael Simmons, the Riverside Community College District director of risk management, safety and police.
RCCD Police are supporting RPD in the investigation of the incident on the grounds of Central Middle School adjacent to Riverside City College.
Ivette Gomez, a math instructor at Central and an RCC student, said the school was on lockdown for approximately 10 minutes.
“Riverside Police just told us to lockdown,” Gomez said. “As far as I know it wasn’t one of our kids.”
Simmons stated in the email sent to students that there was no imminent danger to RCC and that the scene had been secured by the RPD.
He also stated that RPD had cleared the scene of the incident.
RCCD chancellor Michael Burke sent a similar email to faculty.
Crystal Olmedo contributed to this report.