The Associated Students of Riverside City College Supreme Court are preparing for the upcoming spring student government elections where students will be voting in a new president and vice president.
ASRCC held its weekly Supreme Court meeting in the RCC Heritage Room where Honorable Chief Justice Adela Gonzales led them in discussing upcoming events related to the RCC spring election cycle on March 13.
During this election, students will be running for various positions, including president, vice president and several senate members.
For students interested in running for president and vice president, which will be put on one ballot, they must attend one of the upcoming mandatory candidate meetings led by Associate Instructor and Coordinator of Student Activities Megan Bottoms. The remaining meetings will occur March 17, 26 and April 3 in Room 209 of the Business, Law and Computer Information Systems Building.
Acting Justice Abraham Jefferson brought up concerns about the lack of student participation.
“A lot of people don’t know about the elections. They’re not aware. The other thing is that people don’t know how to do it,” Jefferson said during the meeting.
The first step to running in the election is to go to the ASRCC Student Government tab on the RCC website. Students can find the forms they need to fill out if they are interested in running.
The ASRCC Supreme Court will be spearheading the election. Gonzales and the present associated justices discussed how they would like to get students more involved in the upcoming election.
Part of the concern stems from many students not realizing just how many student government spots are up for grabs. The assembled justices clarified that there can be up to 50 senators. Each year, many students transfer out or graduate, leaving these spots empty.
According to the ASRCC Supreme court, students do not need to run in order to actively participate in their student government. Chief Justice Gonzales and the present associated justices discussed how to boost student participation in voting as well.
In previous semesters students who voted were rewarded by the student government. It was suggested that an event be held for students who could prove they voted. Last semester, a barbeque was held.
Students will be emailed a voting link through their RCC email address.