Interviews and photos by Lindsey Tovar
Questions asked:
- Do you prefer pumpkin spice or cinnamon spice, and why?
- Would you rather go to a pumpkin patch or a corn maze and why?
- Between Halloween and Thanksgiving, which one do you prefer?

Q1 “I feel that cinnamon spice is better because pumpkin spice is overrated.”
Q2 “I would go to a corn maze because I have never been to one before.”
Q3 “I would choose Thanksgiving straight up because of the food.”
– Nathan Anderson

Q1 “I like pumpkin spice, because it’s not available all the time like cinnamon is.”
Q2 “A corn maze because it’s more exciting.”
Q3 “Halloween because I like dressing up and thanksgiving is more with your family.”
– Presley Emig

Q1 “I prefer pumpkin spice because I’m not really a big fan of spicy foods.”
Q2 “Pumpkin patch because there is more things to do.”
Q3 “Thanksgiving because my family comes from out of town and I enjoy seeing them.”
– Kayden Jacobs

Q1 “I prefer pumpkin spice over cinnamon spice because it kinda gets me into the fall festivities and I love October so it just gives me a little excitement, even like Starbucks I love pumpkin spice lattes and all that.”
Q2 “Pumpkin patch because they are more enlightening, there’s a lot more to do and in a corn maze I feel that I would just get lost.”
Q3 “Halloween because I am a scorpio baby.”
– Joczlyne Hernandez

Q1 “Pumpkin spice because it reminds me of fall and I love fall weather.”
Q2 “A pumpkin patch because in a pumpkin patches there’s animals and I love looking at animals and the pumpkins.”
Q3 “Thanksgiving because of the food.”
– Melanie Torres

Q1 “I would say I prefer pumpkin spice because it has a more interesting flavor.”
Q2 “Pumpkin patch for sure, I feel like corn you can go to Idaho or something anytime of the year and pumpkins are a lot more special, they’re seasonal.”
Q3 “Thanksgiving because the food is much better and candy is cheap, it’s not that special, whereas Thanksgiving you get to be with your family and it’s pretty nice.”
– Alex Figueroa