By Staff Editorial

Just one example, of many, of the recent rise in cost for food at the RCC cafeteria. (Billy Gedney)
By Staff Editorial
We’re thinking of dropping our classes. We’re not leaving campus; we just want to be able to eat.
We were getting lunch the other day in the cafeteria and by the time we bought our food and sat down, we realized that we were broke.
Prices in the cafeteria may not have spiked to unreasonable prices, but they have risen where it can be noticed. A salad used to cost around $2.50 and now that same salad, the same exact salad, is $3.
We could understand if there was some new specialty ingredient in these salads, but alas, nothing has changed-except the price. Our chef salad isn’t raising our math scores or increasing our vocabulary.
A cup of tater tots used to be a solid dollar. Now, that same cup of tots is a $1.10. Way to cash in on our love for the fried potato, RCC. Way to go.
We understand that profit needs to be made, but how about a little consideration? College students are not known for having excessive cash, and food is usually a prime concern for many of us.
It’s the high price of food that drives many of us to consider the staying quality of leftover pizza (“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” taught us that it was approximately three days.)
After paying for books, gas, parking fees, and supplies that your instructor decides you need for a class (We still see no need for “The Elements of Style”), the price of food is the last thing we expect to increase.
College students like to think “economically,” or cheap, if you prefer. It’s bad enough that our books costs just as much as our classes, but now we have to pay more in the cafeteria, where the food is supposed to be affordable.
The cafeteria was a great alternative to the Bookstore, which had sandwiches, sushi, ice cream, and other treats for prices that would make you feel like your Monopoly piece just landed on Boardwalk with a hotel on it.
So how can you get by with prices on the rise? You could bring a sack lunch. Nothing beats the feeling of a good throwback day with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a juice box and a Snack-Pak.
Good for you and good for your wallet (If your mom still makes it, then it also give you an extra ten minutes of sleep every morning.)
We fight the temptation of Carl’s Jr. like drug addicts who desperately need to eat a cow everyday and our main reason for eating in the cafeteria is close to being irrelevant. This college is slowly starting to cost as much as some universities out there.