By Imari Rede
Plan your success
Are you someone who is often unorganized? Is getting assignments done at the last minute your thing? Well, stop that right now! Don’t start the semester off the way you ended last semester.
Buy a notebook style planner if you work better with writing things down. Use a planner on your phone or a digital calendar that can send reminders that will keep you prepared for anything.
Time management problems will destroy you and your academic progress. Don’t let planning be the problem that brings you down this semester.
Book it to the library
The first weeks of school are always pretty stressful. Wait until you see the syllabus that each professor provides on the first day of classes to buy your books, unless told otherwise by your professor.
Sometimes professors will recommend an older and cheaper version of a text or give you a specific lead that could help keep your bank account afloat.
If you have assignments that are due within the first week with no access to the book, use the class copy that should be on hold in the Digital Library.
Your printing problems are over
Printing out assignments, reading material and essays are a necessity as a college student. To make sure that you are on top of your work and it’s looking pristine and professional check out some of the printing options that Riverside City College has to offer.
If you are looking to print less than ten pages, free printing is available in the Student Resource Center behind the cafeteria.
The Digital Library has plenty of computer access along with the ability to print at two stations. It is $.10 per black and white page and $.50 per color page but if you are printing a bigger job it is better to use some sense and pay the cents.
Chase Goals, not papers
Google Docs is a part of the Google Drive application. This app can save your life! It’s a word processor that can be accessed using any electronic device.
It’s a place that will let the fear of losing your flash drive be a thing of the past. Losing or breaking a device wouldn’t be a factor keeping you from turning that paper in on time.
One thing to note is that printing through Google Docs isn’t as efficient as it could be. Go to the library and copy and paste your work onto Microsoft Word to make sure that the style and page layout is completely accurate, don’t miss out on those points!
Sleep ain’t for the weak
College students often balance school with work and plenty of other responsibilities. Sleep is probably one of the first things that students will be willing to compromise but we shouldn’t do that!
We all want to be successful and thriving individuals so sleep should be prioritized. Try getting at least six hours of sleep per night.
Avoid those three hour “what day is it?” naps. Shoot for an hour or less for a midday boost.
Got time to lose, take a snooze
The Digital Library has comfortable chairs and peace and quiet. It makes for one of the best places to take a power nap before your next class.
If you’re an individual that needs some background noise in order to nap, the cafeteria also has several wideset chairs that are available for your sleepy selves.