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Tennis looks to a successful season

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By Lucretia Garland

Ashley Tebeau returns a hit from Fullerton (Khai Le)

By Lucretia Garland

If anyone is looking for inspiration, they should talk to Riverside City College freshman Ashley Tebeau.

“Just stay focused. [Tennis] is a great sport and it’s really not about if you win or lose, but knowing that you played your best” said Tebeau.

This short but inspiring statement came from RCC’s only undefeated tennis player.

Head coach, Nikki Bonzoumet, has been coaching at RCC for nine years. She says she has a relatively young team; all but one are freshmen.

“All are doing well,” said Bonzoumet, “I hope the second half of the conference will be better.” The team is midway through the season. The girls started off the season winning many games, but lost the first two conference games. No. 3 player, Victoria Andrade, has only lost one of her games, similar to the lead of Ashley Tebeau. Coach of the Fullerton team, Scott Giles, says that his team has trained hard and his players are all good students.

“All the games are very competitive,” said Giles. “It’s great to get to know the other coaches. Nikki is a great competitor.”

This is his fifth year at Fullerton. They are currently ranked fourth in the tennis conference.

The RCC Tigers beat Fullerton 7-2. With the win, they have progressed to an 8-2 record, sweeping over the Orange Empire Conference. Riverside snatched four of the six single matches before closing out the event. Caroline Houstin made a homecoming return back to the No. 1 singles position and won her match.

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