By Kevin Sotelo
By Kevin Sotelo
It’s almost done, and with a scheduled opening in fall of 2007, The A.G. Paul Quadrangle will not only be back, but it will be better than ever.
The Quadrangle, having been erected in several stages between 1916 and 1975, has recieved only minor upgrades throughout its tenure.
Until recently, the most substantial construction project to hit the Quadrangle occurred in 1970. Part of the newest wing, which was constructed in the 1930s, was demolished and reconstructed with slight variations from the original artistic vision of architect G. Stanley Wilson.
At that time, the building’s infrastructure was stabilized to a degree and it was nothing compared to the overhaul the Quadrangle is undergoing now.
The current renovation project is mainly a modernization effort, and it will closely abide by the original design.
The newest version of the Quadrangle will be even closer to the architect’s original vision than ever with the addition of the long lost clock tower.
Due to financial issues, the clocktower wasn’t constructed. Now, thanks to funding provided by the state, and bolstered by Measure C, the clock tower is being erected. It will be fully functional by the time the Quadrangle opens next fall.
Not many deviations were made from the original design, other than the modernization of certain aspects, bringing the building up to date.
New air conditioning and heating systems are being installed, as well as new plumbing and insulation. Seismic retrofitting has occurred throughout the structure so as to comply with seismic safety standards.
It will be equiped with state-of-the-art technology, linking classrooms and labs directly to the Digital Library/Learning Resource Center. There is also to be a direct connection to the Martin Luther King and Administration buildings for three-way internet redundancy.
There will be 41 classrooms, making just one more than the previous 40. Five faculty offices have been eliminated, bringing the count down to 68. The eliminations are to allow for a lecture hall.
Additionally, a new art gallery will be located on the first floor of the new wing. It is to be 17,000 sq. ft. with elevated ceilings. Art-history major Aaron Christian is looking forward to the new gallery.
“I’m excited to see what it’s going to look like. As a permanent component to the Quad, it should look nice,” he said.
Other students will be relieved when the Quadrangle re-opens for their own reasons.
“The Quad is the best spot to study and talk to girls. I’m glad it’s going to be open again,” student Mike Hess said.
The renovation project also excluded the popular Tiger’s Den, leaving students with one less dining option. The final phase will take place over next summer, and according to spokesman Jim Parsons, it will involve finalizing the technology and furnishing the building similarly as the MLK building and Digital Library.