By Joseph Martinez
By Joseph Martinez
The application process has closed and the review is underway to find the next president of the Riverside Campus.
The new president will fill the administrative position and duties which will open as RCC emerges from a three campus college to a three college district. The change will give the colleges a distinct mission and special academic programs while holding a common community vision and relationship.
The search for the next president extended internationally, said RCC Chancellor Salvatore Rotella.
The applicants are not making news yet, as the application process has been held in the strictest confidence and the reviewing process is just beginning.
Substantial release of information to the community is planned after the presidential search committee has selected three exceptionally strong candidates from the original pool of applicants.
The three will represent to the greatest degree the ideal applicant, as communicated by the presidential search prospectus available at
The majority of the presidential search committee was selected from faculty at RCC. Administrators were also included to create a mixed search committee.
The procedure for reviewing the applicants is being held stringently confidential. The purposes behind such a policy are as yet not understood.
However, the president will not be selected by way of total confidentiality. The final three applicants will be reviewed for selection by the Board of Trustees in a public hearing.
Confidential procedures have been the rule so far for the search committee.
The premise for confidentiality is to protect applicant identity and privacy in order to encourage as many applicants as possible to apply.