By Erin Murphy
By Erin Murphy
Have you ever felt lost or overwhelmed in a class and thought, “Oh, I’ll get help before the next test” Only to realize there is only a month left until the final?
If this is your situation, the Riverside City College Tutorial Services are here to help.
Riverside City College Tutorial Services offers tutors for a variety of subjects and is free of charge.
The only requirements are that you are currently enrolled in the class you need to receive help for and you are also a current RCC student.
“Helping every student achieve academic success is the goal of the tutoring center,” said Deborah Barrozo, Director of Tutorial Services.
Subjects range from Accounting to Dance and Biology to Spanish, and if the class you need to receive tutoring for is not offered, a tutor in that subject will be found for you.
Appointments are made weekly by the students and can be made by phone or by going to the Tutor Center which is located in the Digital Library building.
Each student is allowed up to three 50 minute sessions a week.
“I never thought I would have been able to pass my Biology 1 class,” said Alicia Serrano, current RCC student and former tutor. “Luckily, I saw a flyer for the tutoring center and made an appointment, the tutor was so helpful.”
Tutors that are hired by Tutorial Services are very experienced in the subject area that they tutor in. The tutors also enjoy what they do for students here at RCC.
“I like tutoring students because I get satisfaction from knowing I am helping them get better grades,” said Ioana Cohut, a current RCC tutor.
With finals approaching the Tutoring Center will be offering a “Cram Fest”.
The “Cram Fest” will be held the week before finals. This festival will offer students the opportunity to walk-in and receive help for finals from several tutors.
Flyers will be posted soon with further details so keep a look out.
Barrozo made it clear that Tutorial Services at Riverside City College are here to help you.
“Don’t wait to come in,” Barrozo said.