Written by: Jackie Mora

Hundred degree weather did not stop Riverside City College from serving their community by donating blood on Sept. 11 in honor of those who died during the devastating attacks on the United States 14 years ago.
As part of Riverside’s Sept. 11 Day of Service, LifeStream hosted a mobile blood drive on campus. Students signed up to donate and waited up to an hour in the sweltering heat for their turn to donate.
“I’ve given blood here before, it has never taken this long, even the workers told me they don’t understand,they thought, that it had to do with the 9-11 demand,” Nestor Contreras, RCC computer support tech and current student said.
He was frustrated that their was only one bus, “If they had more buses, they would have got more donations, they were doing the best they could with what they had,” Contreras said.
The blood drive was a success according to Letty Rodriguez, Lifestream bone marrow program coordinator, regardless of the heat and wait time LifeStream received 38 donations, which was six over the projected number.
Tonya Loret, registered nurse on the mobile bus handed out snacks, drinks, Sept. 11 commemorative t-shirts and Baker’s gift cards to the donors. She was sure to have them sit on the bus for at least 15 minutes afterward as a health precaution. Loret informed the student donors, “Because it’s Sept. 11 they are sending buses everywhere, to cut wait times down, appointments are available, we are really thankful everybody’s come out and donated,” Loret said.
This Day of Service was not only a first for the city of Riverside, but also the first time LifeStream has done a mobile blood drive on our campus on Sept. 11. “Keep donating, you never know when it’s your turn, it’s a pay it forward type of thing. You’re doing something good for someone else, so why not,” Rodriguez said.