By Samantha Morris / Staff Writer

Lot 33 no more (Kimberly Martinez / Staff Photographer)
By Samantha Morris / Staff Writer
As many issues regarding parking at the Riverside Campus continue, the Parking Committee gathered on March 17 to speak about new things that may be put into effect next semester.
One important aspect of the meeting discussed was the issue with the use of parking lot 33.
The lot was provided for students with a shuttle to transport students from the lot to campus and back again between 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
It seems, however; students aren’t taking advantage of the lot.
Opposed to spending money on a seemingly lost cause, the committee proposed the college should try to find a lot which is closer to the campus to eliminate or decrease the use and need of the shuttle.
This would also lower spending on the under used shuttle service.
If the shuttle service was eliminated completely students would have to walk from the lot.
An alternative lot mentioned was The Press-Enterprise lot which is conveniently located on Prospect Avenue and Olivewood Avenue.
It was noted in the fall there may be a need for 100 to 150 new parking spaces.
The cost to the college to have lot 33 leased for the first six weeks of the fall and spring semester is estimated at $35,000 per semester.
The shuttle period ended April 1.
Another issue presented was the traffic which dwells near the District Level Landmine Risk Campaign and Arthur G. Paul Quadrangle.
The backup is due to people dropping and picking up students illegally.
It was proposed this is happening due to the construction taking place in front of the Digital Library, which has eliminated the use of the proper drop off area located on Fairfax Avenue and Magnolia Avenue.
“You can be cited, we have designated drop off spots and for safety purposes you can’t stop at a no parking, or a no stopping zone,” said April Morris, Parking Administrative.
Due to the area being fenced off, the construction project has caused more problems than was originally intended.
With the lot being closed down for construction of new buildings some students resolved to use the red emergency curbs as a student drop off zone on Terracina Drive between the Quad and Magnolia Avenue.
During the meeting everyone soon agreed that the best solution would be to try to create a drop off section off of Terrancina Drive between the Quad and Magnolia Avenue, to see if this would be a viable option for students being dropped off.
A big change for students may also come with the recommendation that the two week grace period usually allowed at the beginning of each semester, should be abolished.
While Morris states that the proposed changes are “not a definite thing” she reminds students “this is just a recommendation.”
“You are required to have a parking permit the first day of school. If you don’t have a valid parking permit you can be cited,” she said.
The students may not be the only ones to suffer if the grace period is ended.
Faculty may also have to deal with the end of grace periods for those whom have an expired permit within the first two weeks of each semester.
As these are merely recommendations, approval of these measures could result in big changes and big tickets for RCC students, staff and faculty.

No love at Lovekin (Lauren Garcia / Photo Editor)