By Stephanie Holland / Editor-in-Chief

By Stephanie Holland / Editor-in-Chief
As construction begins on the new Nursing Science building, the side effects are being felt in every parking area on campus.
Now Lot L, behind the pool and next to the Lovekin Complex has been closed to begin construction on the new Aquatics Center.
In addition, portions of Parking Lot B have been restriped to include more faculty/staff spaces.
According to Jim Miyashiro, chief of college safety and police, the most parking can be found in Lots Q and U at the corner of City College and Olivewood and Evans Field at Magnolia and Terracina.
Miyashiro thinks repurposing these spaces will cause students to park in the open lots further from campus.
Several streets around campus have also been opened or closed to accommodate increased delays.
Riverside Avenue was opened to staff parking and Fairfax Avenue has been closed to traffic to avoid construction delays.
The college has also leased 400 spaces at Market and Third to be opened if college safety and police deem it necessary.
Students and staff are also warned that parking in the Wood Streets neighborhood is forbidden and violators risk getting ticketed or having their cars towed.
Though parking can be a hassle, a few ways to avoid the pain include getting to campus early, be aware of class schedules and park in lots further away from the main campus.
For updates on available parking follow college safety and police on Twitter at RCCDPOLICEINFO.