By Wesley Hackenberg

Illustration by Vanessa Soto
By Wesley Hackenberg
With all the brilliant minds working in California politics, one would think that they would be on top of the finances.
Instead, they keep losing our money and spending the cash like spoiled teenage girls with daddy’s credit card; meanwhile, our state is falling into debt in the billions.
One of the many solutions offered to cut back state spending is for the California State Universities to remove 10,000 openings reserved for incoming freshmen.
This idea was approved by Gov. Schwarzenegger, and has been causing quite an uproar with dissatisfied students and citizens alike.
Since the controversial decision was released to the public, many people have picketed the idea in front of the CSU campuses hoping to be heard.
The question remains though, how will this affect the students at Riverside City College and in our community?
Most students on campus usually have a goal to move on to higher education after their period at RCC.
With many students staying in state, the CSU system is one of the most popular choices.
If this enrollment cut goes into play, all students will have to raise the bar on their academic grades and extra-curricular activities.
This idea will bring back the old Darwin theory of survival of the fittest.
The average requirement to get into a CSU school will no longer be enough to make the cut.
Many could say that this cut will push students to reach higher than average marks, and filter out the least motivated of the group.
This can be a positive course to take, but I do not think it should take an enrollment cut to cause this motivation. Others see this decision as harmful to the CSU system as this will prevent many from applying to their schools in the first place.
Students will think they will not be accepted, and therefore, the schools will lose funding and also lose money, which will only cause a trickle down of problems.
Now with this problem looming above the heads of students, it is time to look at all of the options before deciding what to do next.
If a student has their mind set on a certain CSU school, don’t let the cut stop you from applying.
Just let the enrollment cut push you to strive higher then before.
Consider taking some extra time to involve yourself in doing community service and joining local clubs.
All the extra projects will make you shine when compared to a student who may have the same GPA.
Another option available is to look at the University of California schools or out of state colleges.
Though the popular reputation of the UC schools is that they are very challenging to get into, don’t let a reputation stop you from pursuing a goal.
As far as out of state schools go, it can be a challenge if you are not a local resident.
With so many different options present, it becomes blatantly clear that each new option has a new challenge alongside of it.
If the enrollment cut passes, it could be a new age in the college perspective.
Competition will rise, community colleges will become much more crowded, and many others may choose another direction instead of education.
When considering your challenge, be sure to choose the right one and stand up to it.