By Vanessa Overbeck
By Vanessa Overbeck
After a three weeklong debate, the Student Senate elections have finally come to an end. The election held April 26, 27 and 28 on the Riverside Campus for President, Vice President and the Senate will stand.
The two grievances filed protesting the campaign procedures were withdrawn after the defeated presidential candidate Aunnie Ganier told the Student Supreme Court on May 11 that she did not want a re-election. Due to new developments in her personal life, Ganier said that she would not have the time to dedicate to the Student Senate necessary for a successful term. Consequently, Ashley DiMuccio and Mike Gasca will be the new President and Vice President of the Riverside Campus.
The Student Supreme Court also decided to make changes to the current campaign regulations. What with low voter turnout, the court ruled to allow campaigning during the election days. However, candidates must remain 50 feet away from the designated voting booths while distributing campaign paraphernalia.
Gasca supported the change and he was glad to see the rules clarified and the alterations documented in the minutes of the meeting. Ganier also favored the rule changes.
“We all agreed that the campaign rules should be modified and made clearer,” Ganier said. “It just makes sense to allow campaigning during the voting period.”
In any case, this year the Riverside Campus managed to elect a new president and vice president without dragging students back to the voting booths a second time.