By Stephanie Holland / Editor in Chief

Warming up- Cheerleader hopefuls attend a training camp for the Riverside City College Cheer and Dance team on March 2 inside Huntley Gym. (Jasmeet Singh / Editor’s Assistant)
By Stephanie Holland / Editor in Chief
Riverside City College students with an abundance of school spirit should consider joining RCC’s Cheer and Dance team.
The team cheers at football and basketball games, as well as various other college functions and sporting events.
The squad is currently holding a training camp where prospective members can get in shape for the upcoming tryouts.
The candidate training camp is a class that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-10 p.m. in the Huntley Gym.
Tryouts will take place in the Huntley Gym on May 1, with cheer registration starting at 8:30 a.m. and tryouts beginning at 9 a.m.
Dance registration starts at 11:30 a.m. with tryouts beginning at 12 p.m.
Participants should bring all the required paperwork along with the $20 fee.
They should also be dressed in appropriate workout attire including a sports bra and shorts.
While there are specific requirements for each specific cheer team, the coaches are looking for tumbling and stunt experience.
Interested dancers should have training in jazz, ballet or hip hop and at least be able to perform some basic dance steps.
The tryouts will consist of a series of performances and cuts until a final decision is made.
For more information on the RCC Cheer and Dance team tryouts contact coach Rachelle Fawcett or visit the team’s Web site at