Mix of metal, smooth vocals excites

Sometimes an album, as a piece of art, requires more than one listen to effectively hear the entire story being presented. Fortunately, Lacuna Coil’s fourth album “Karmacode” is not one of those albums, although it is a concept album. The concept, as suggested by the title is defined by the band as “spiritual DNA and the message behind it.

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Mission: successful

Finally, a “Mission: Impossible” movie that does not require a government security clearance to understand. J.J. Abrams does the series justice and scores big in his feature film directorial debut. As executive producer of both “Lost” and “Alias,” Abrams has already made a splash in the world of television.

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Blood bank in low supply

Every three weeks since he was a year old Paul DiLorenza of Riverside has received a blood transfusion to keep him alive. DiLorenza suffers from a rare and often fatal blood disorder called Thalassemia which interferes with his bone marrow’s ability to create blood with properly functioning hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells.

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Wakey wakey

Staying up studying all night can be a real pain in the neck. Not that I do it because I’m perfect and perfect people get all of their beauty sleep. Now for all those less perfect, well who are not me, I feel sympathy that you stay up all night studying your tiny brains out and still go into class the next morning cramming your head full of info.

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