Adriana Freiling | Staff Writer
On Veterans Day, people from all corners of Riverside and neighboring communities came to honor our fallen Veterans at the Riverside Arlington Cemetery.
Boy Scouts and troopers gave out boxes and boxes of our nation’s flag to volunteers who planted them proudly at the head of every grave site.
Some individuals fell to their knees and placed a single hand on the marbled stone to thank that soldier for their service.
Soldiers feet and heels came together at a 45 degree angle, with their posture upright and their gaze fixed forward; and their fists clenched as if holding
a bag of groceries.
They lifted their left arm so the tip of their fingers met their forehead for a soldier’s salute, and with a “right flank” they said goodbye.
Children and loved ones embodied the love for their fallen soldiers.
Not only did the fallen get called to duty to sacrifice their lives for freedom, but loved ones served on the homefront as military families.
There are few that know the challenges military families have to go through.
While their soldiers are deployed loved ones serve the country on the homefront by demonstrating patriotism in ways others may not understand.
Military families are the Veterans emotional support while they are deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq or on tour somewhere else.
Love and sacrifice teach military families how to become strong and come together as one, even if the circumstances leave them in loss.
A Veteran is either active duty, honorably discharged and retired, reserves, military family or one that has fallen for the price of freedom.
We thank you for your sacrifice for this great nation.
Happy Veterans Day.