Posted: August 31, 2015 | Written by: Crystal Olmedo

Each semester an influx of newly registered students wander the campus in search of their classes. To help students ease into learning campus landmarks and finding the services they need, faculty members of the Digital Library and members of Associated Students of Riverside City College manned an information booth located on Terracina Drive in front of the A.G. Paul Quadrangle across from the Digital Library/Learning Resource Center on Aug. 31.
“We are here to help students not just today or tomorrow,” said Terry Welker RCC Library administrative manager. “Please join us in the library throughout the year to seek our assistance and resources.”
The booth will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sept. 1. Campus maps will be available as well as a schedule of classes for the fall 2015 semester.
Students can get general questions answered and receive directions to buildings on campus. A schedule of open classes is also posted in the Digital Library. Students looking to add classes should also check the open class list located on the RCC homepage and log on to WebAdvisor for updates on class availability, as classes will be filled quickly.