Posted: March 11, 2015 | Written by Aja Sanders

Hopeful club members filled the campus quad at Riverside City College for the Spring 2015 Club Rush event as they passed out goodies and flyers with encouraging words. Clubs aspire to make collaborative efforts and raise awareness among the college’s student body.
There are several clubs on the college campus that dedicate their free time to community service and advocacy work. Among many of the clubs represented at Club Rush, Student Sustainability Collective shared its mission, “advocate and promote sustainability for the Riverside City College student body.” During the event, the club also promoted the concept, “living within our limits.”
One of the club’s immediate goals is to collaborate with both the Norco and Moreno Valley campuses on a project that raises awareness about using more natural resources. Although Moreno Valley does have a club that focuses on the environment, Norco College does not. This is something that Student Sustainability wants to change.
Ujima is a multicultural club that focuses on academic advancement at RCC. While it offers many resources for African-American students, it welcomes students from all backgrounds to join. Cory Justice, Ujima Club President, is eager to inform students of African-American History and the contribution it made to American History.
Justice said one of his goals this semester is to make a more collaborative effort with the other clubs on the college campus. He specifically pointed out The Puente Project. According to Justice, The Puente Project’s focal point is the Latin American student body.
“If we can be more collaborative … work together and do more things as clubs, I think that would be great,” Justice said. “ … then we can learn about their background, and they can learn about our background and we can appreciate each other a lot more.”
Muslim Student Association (MSA) also shared its passion in making collaborative efforts for RCC students. Its club president, Husnain Sarwar, welcomes all students to learn about Islam. Sarwar’s mission for this semester is to raise awareness and to clarify some of the misconceptions of the Islamic faith.
“If you want to learn about rocket science, who do you go to? You go to a physicist or a rocket scientist. Just like that, if you want to learn about Islam, you go to a Muslim who practices the religion,” said Sarwar.
Later this semester, the club will have an event that will give students the opportunity to learn more about Islam. MSA will announce the time and date for this event.
More information about these clubs and more can be found at
Ujima club president, Cory Justice and RCC student, Kristian Crawford reach out to students at Club Rush.