By Mercedes Diaz Deleon
By Mercedes Diaz Deleon
A forum was held on April 1 to introduce candidates running for student trustee.
The forum was commenced by Chief Justice Alexandra Ray, who gave a brief introduction of the event and a short bio of each candidate. They were then given the opportunity to answer not only pre-selected questions, but also the questions of attending students.
Each candidate answered questions to the best of their ability with enthusiasm and optimism. Even though the forum was held in the cafeteria where eating and talking usually make up the majority of student activity, students were respectful and gave the candidates their full attention.
The three candidates presently running for student trustee are Ruth Jones, Jesus Ovier, and Francisco Landa.
The student trustee is the only student to have direct input with the Board of Trustees, so the importance of the position requires students to choose wisely based on who is most qualified, devoted, and suited for the position.
The first question given to candidate Ovier, asked what his plan was on raising votes.
Ovier boosted the crowd’s energy and responded to the question. “I plan on going from classroom to classroom, speaking to students in order to get them interested,” he said.
Ovier went on to state, “Students don’t find the need to vote for their future, and I intend on showing them how they can get affected.” Ovier admitted to lacking the appropriate experience and knowledge but he pledged to listen and be open to innovative ideas.
The second question, directed to candidate Jones, asked what she perceived as the duties of student trustee.
“The main duty as student trustee is to represent all students, even if I, myself am not in accordance,” Jones said.
She affirmed how deeply substantial it is to familiarize herself with whom she is representing. “I need your input, and only you can tell me what I can do for you,” Jones said.
Trayvon Williams, 23, asked the candidates why they wanted to be student trustee. Jones was the first to respond. “I have a passion for it and have worked very hard on this constitution,” she said.
She also expressed her intentions which include unconditional devotion no matter how arduous an obstacle may become.
Candidate Landa spoke about the personal gratification he gets from being a part of something great.
“It’s something that I am doing from the bottom of my heart,” he said.
Jennifer Gray, 18, felt that the forum helped answer all her questions.
“All the candidates eloquently addressed student concerns and provided adequate information for those who were simply unaware,” Gray said.
One goal of Jones is to make sure that there is consistent and efficient communication between all three campuses.
“If we salvage communication, only then can we accomplish much more,” she said.
Candidate Jones revealed her leadership qualities by being captain of the her volleyball team for two years and an active member of the student body.
She is currently the Secretary of the Judicial Board.
Jones believes that students should vote for her because she is a very determined individual who will do anything within her power to not only get the job done, but to get it done right. One of Ovier’s goals is motivating students in taking a more active role when it comes to who will be representing them.
“I would like students to have a deepened interest on the issues that arise, and that they make sure to give their input,” he said.
“Only 200 students voted out of 30,000, so let’s make a difference,” said candidate Jones.
All three candidates stressed how vital it is for students to choose wisely on which individual they want to represent them.
They each urged students to vote, not just for the present but for the future.