By David Morris
By David Morris
The Parking Structure is nearing its final completion. 13,325 cubic yards of concrete have been poured, parking spots are being finished and the tennis courts have the finest surface.
The surface for the tennis courts cost around $40,000 and is the same used at Indian Wells for pro games.
Handball courts have been reconstructed near the first floor entry.
The Superintendent, James Sheffield with Bomel Construction Company won the bid to build the parking structure. Bomel only builds parking structures.
Riverside Community College had to allow three bids and Bomel won with a 14 million dollar contract and an 11 month schedule.
One of the hardest situations the construction team had to overcome was the foundation. The college is built on sand and is extremely hard. They had about a month setback and had to work weekends to catch up to make it in on an inflexible deadline.
The parking structure will accommodate a vertical clearance of eight feet 5 inches. An entry and exit at the top floor on Terricina ave, across from the Digital Library and another on the bottom floor in front of the Child Development Center. There is an exit on the fourth floor of the structure as well on Magnolia ave.
The construction of the parking structure was made possible by Measure C funds. It will give 1,100 new parking spaces, 33% more than current parking spaces.
The grand opening for the parking structure will be on Nov. 7.