By Matthew Dziak / Asst. Opinions Editor
By Matthew Dziak / Asst. Opinions Editor
A major concern that our nation faces is the education level we have as young adults.
The No Child Left Behind act was passed during the Bush Administration in an attempt to improve the standardized test scores of high school students.
The tests are a tool used to determine if a school as a whole properly educates their students.
As a majority, students feel that there is no benefit to them for achieving proficient and advanced scores.
Students are encouraged by their teachers to take this test seriously without an explanation as to why it is beneficial, when finding time to sleep at night before going back to class proves to be a daunting task in itself.
Under the current standards, nearly 80 percent of the schools will not pass.
The week of testing is merely a break in studying and going to class for an hour to watch movies or go home to take a nap.
It is safe to say that children are being left behind.
To many, the break from the standard schedule is a reward in itself, yet the students feel the break is essential for them to concentrate on the specific test instead of what year the Civil War took place or what the tenth element is on the periodic table.
The schools, who are rated as proficient and successful in terms of the grading system, are subject to grants, funding for projects, and general prestige to attract families to attend that specific school district.
Those schools that are placing below the bar will be penalized by having the state run their districts operations and curriculum.
These issues are generally overseen by a committee, the Board of Education for each school, who are usually familiar with the system and has experience within the district.
The standards for passing increase annually, which leaves many schools unable to succeed.
Some of these schools show improvement in their overall passing rate, yet they still are deemed as a failing school and subject to state intervention.
One proposal that is being presented is a system where teachers are rewarded financially for their ability to increase the passing rate.
The teachers, who have students with high passing rates, are somehow better educators and deserve a bonus.
In case you were confused, the students are the ones taking these standardized test scores.
And with that, they should be the ones rewarded for their achievements.
If there is a need to give incentives to school districts and teachers, why are the incentives lacking for the students?
As young adults, we have been conditioned that school is where you receive education that will better yourself in the future.
Get A’s and B’s in high school in order to go to college, and go to college in order to have a well paying career.
This concept is logical and most of us are students for the opportunity to better ourselves.
But at what age do they decide that you should be rewarded for your achievements?
Sometimes individual teachers will have a pizza party on the last day before summer break to reward their students.
The teacher shows their appreciation for their students by rewarding them with something they enjoy for all of their dedication.
If you are successful in meeting the standards, your students should be rewarded with something as simple as a week of extended lunches or pizza served all week.
The health and fitness guru’s might object, but the students will enjoy an entire week of fresh delivered pizza.
Change can sometimes be a good thing.
Change the standards in a way where they will be obtainable and school districts are able to learn how to prepare their students for the curriculum in order to pass.
The idea should not be that schools need to meet this standard, but rather, reward them on the ability to improve each and every students score.
No Child Left Behind Act, this is your premises, help the children who are looking to you, their teacher, instructor or political representative, as a figure who has the power to enrich their lives and present a model for how to achieve their goals.