By Tabitha Caranza / Staff writer
By Tabitha Caranza / Staff writer
The nuisance’s on campus harassing students while walking to class have caused such a problem that they are being removed.
In response,the Associated Students of Riverside City College is supporting voter registration on campus from October 2 to October 17. During these days students will learn why it is so important to register, and with perfect timing for the November elections.
The ASRCC Student Body President, Doug Figueroa, plan is to spread awareness throughout the campus.
“It’s so important to get students to recognize that they do have a voice, and that comes in a form of a vote,” Figueroa stated. “We just want to make sure that there is awareness out there.”
The goal for the voter registration day is to get as many people to register as possible.
Another reason why it is important to register this year is because of the propositions on the ballot this election. Prop 30 is one of the main concerns this year as it directly affects RCC.
“If Prop 30 should pass, there would be about $8 million in budget cuts throughout the district,” Figueroa said.
Programs in the school and staff members will ultimately have to be cut.
“Statistics say that most people between the ages of 18 and 25 do not vote,” said Garrett McCarver, Senate Chair of the Legislative Branch.
“The demographic of students are usually some of the lowest turnouts for voters,” he said.
It is said that the young people are the future and the choices they make today will shape that future.
Many students believe that registering to vote is very important in order to let their voices be heard and an opportunity to change society for the better.
“Through voting, we are able to make a difference,” stated Lucille Mere, student and registered voter. “A good majority of people weren’t given that chance. We should put it to good use.”
Although it is not set in stone yet, ASRCC would like to branch out their voting efforts to high school students.
“We want to reach out to 18 year old students in high school,” said Senator Gabby Mendoza. “We want to educate them on propositions and the voting process.”
Having the event on campus is a great opportunity for students who are not yet register to vote to get involved in society. Being able to vote means you can express your opinion on political topics and help positively change the country.
The difference between voting and not voting is “being active versus passive,” said Micah Carlson, Director of Media.
Students believe it is important to vote because they will be most affected by what happens this November.
“We have the most at stake,” McCarver said.
“The people that do show up for voting are not going to be around for as long. They are not the ones that have to deal with the consequences.”
Oct. 22 is the last day to register to vote, so if you are not yet registered and are interested in learning about the benefits of voting, please visit ASRCC’s website at, for more details on how you can this October.