Posted: March 25, 2015 | Written by Jacob Filek

To celebrate both Riverside City College’s 99th birthday and the beginning of a new era in student services, RCC hosted a groundbreaking event for construction of the new Administration and Student Services Building on March 13th. The new building will be dedicated to Charles Kane, former college President and Superintendent.
Construction officially began in December at the corner of Magnolia Avenue and Ramona Drive across from the Math and Science building.
Among those who attended were Riverside Community College District faculty members, Riverside city officials and several of Kane’s children. The RCC marching band kicked off the event, leading multiple speakers (complete with an American Sign Language interpreter) and finished with the groundbreaking itself. Wolde-Ab Isaac, interim RCC president talked about how this new building will be replacing several student services and administration buildings that are currently scattered around RCC’s campus, which should make things easier on the students. Officials addressed their excitement and involvement in the project in their to the audience. Michael Burke, chancellor of RCCD explained that funding for the new building comes from the taxes brought in by Measure C and that the new building will become “the Front Door” of RCC.
Chris Carlson, RCCD chief of staff and facilities director was able to shed some light on the details of the project. Construction is expected to be finished in Spring of 2016, with several “rainy days” scheduled in for any delays that might occur.The entire project is expected to cost around $25 million, all of which comes from Measure C.
“The current Admin building will be demolished for parking, but those plans could change,” Isaac said. “The student services building will be repurposed.”
Following the event, guests were free to talk with faculty and city officials, take photographs or enjoy the catering provided by the school cafeteria. Despite being a hot and windy day, around 120 people attended the event according to Scott Zwart, Director of Facilities.