Save some cash for the holidays
Prepare early for classes this year!
Shop online at the RCC bookstore this winter session and receive programs for your computer or laptop at a discounted price.
Visit the student offers link at the bookstore’s Web site for these ongoing deals before the seasonal deals end!
Warm up for winter session
The 2010 winter schedule is now available online for RCC students.
Due to budget reductions, many classes have been cut. However, WebAdvisor is available at student disposal to check open classes, registration dates and any holds that may be on their personal student accounts.
Booklets will not be sent out for winter session this year, so be proactive in getting online and registering for necessary classes!
Don’t get left in the cold
Be sure to pay those fees for the winter session on time!
Any students who register on or before Dec. 22 must pay their fees no later than Dec. 22.
Students who are scheduled for registration Dec. 23 through the end of fall semester must pay their fees the same day that they register.
Remember, if payments are late or not made, students will be dropped from their registered classes.
RCC practices staying safe
On Dec. 7, students, staff, and faculty can brush up on their “avoiding an active shooter” skills.
From 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. in CACT-2, participants will receive information as to how to “detect, delay and possibly defeat” a shooter through lectures, small group discussions and activities.
To register email Sherry Stone at sherry,[email protected] course title, date of attendance, first and last name, and email address. For questions call (951) 222-8566.
Prepare yourself for disaster
Become prepared for a disaster by taking the Disaster Preparedness course with Standardized Emergency Management, the National Incident Management System, and the Incident Command System on Wed., Dec. 9 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m in the Business Education building-10.
Attendees will learn steps to prepare their homes, families, workspace or car for a disaster.
Course is available online or for face to face training. For face to face training, email Sherry Stone at [email protected] with information regarding course title, date of attendance, first and last name, and email address. For questions call (951) 222-8566.
Get ready for a major field trip
Students! If you are a criminal justice, nursing, psychology, or public administration major then this tour to the Federal Correctional Complex in Victorville is for you!
The Transfer/Career Center will be providing the opportunity for students to talk one on one with professionals in the stated majors on Jan. 29, 2010 from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For any students who are interested in participating in the tour, please call the Transfer/Career Center at (951)222-8072 or (951)222-8446 for further information.