By Tim Kimbirk / Staff Writer
By Tim Kimbirk / Staff Writer
With major decisions awaiting Riverside City College, Wolde-Ab Issac, the vice president of Academic Affairs, has a part in trying to find solutions to meet the college’s budget crisis.
Issac plans to continue moving programs to different buildings so that the unused building can be shut down, saving energy and cost.
He also hopes to rent those unused buildings, as well as some of our current ones.
“We can make some money for the (college) if we offer our services to outside sources,” he said. “For example, we have a state of the art nursing building that we could rent to hospitals and other medical training facilities when they are not in use by students.”
Issac said if the college can rent it’s facilities than it can open up relationships with outside companies.
“Nursing Students Association could help create programs between RCC and hospitals, and other health facilities.” Issac said.
In relation to students, there is quite a bit of activity planned for the near future.
To help students, who are currently at an inadequate reading level, Isaac mentioned a potential bridging program between the Riverside Unified School District and RCC.
“This way students can improve their basic English and math skills and avoid being disadvantaged when they reach the college level,” Isaac said.
Isaac also talked about student involvement on campus.
Issac said students should want to be more involved with the college and should feel they play a role in their education.
“We all have to work together to improve RCC as a whole; there is a vast amount of untapped potential here at RCC,” Issac said. “We have a large pool of intellect; we have to provide the environment to refine and empower that intellect.”