By Dominique Franklin / Staff Writer
By Dominique Franklin / Staff Writer
As the year approaches its end, enthusiasts watch as an era comes to a close with Apple Inc. The future of Apple could potentially become much different from the brand the world has come to know and love.
These thoughts passed through the minds of millions of avid Apple supporters when news spread that CEO Steve Jobs announced his intent to step down from his position.
“I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations…I would be the first to let you know. I hereby resign as CEO of Apple,” said Jobs, in a letter that shocked the world.
Media outlets, fans, and consumers began to question his reasons for resigning, as well as what the future of Apple would be. Why was this so sudden? What will become of the Apple empire now that Steve Jobs has retired?
More importantly, people were worried about the reason behind his sudden resignation.
Though Jobs didn’t elaborate on the reasons for his resignation, many worry that his pancreatic cancer diagnosis from seven years ago may be to blame. Due to the disease, Jobs had a liver transplant and underwent special treatment in Switzerland. However, many fear that the tumors may have returned yet again.
Jobs has been seen as the mastermind behind the leap forward in Mac computers, considered to be the best in the world. Along with the origination of personal computers, Apple is also known for revolutionizing the MP3 music category with the creation of the iPod, and furthermore forever changing the concept of the mobile phone with the introduction of the iPhone.
Apple has become one of the world’s leading corporations when it comes to technology. The advances that the company has made all predominately happened under Jobs’ watch. That being said, it’s understandable why people are questioning the future of Apple.
Steve Jobs recommended that Tim Cook, former COO, becomes Apple’s new CEO. He went on to state in his letter that he believes Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are still yet to come.
Many would argue that the success of the company was largely due to innovative mind of Jobs himself, and that without him, the company is doomed for failure. Such is not the case.
As Apple has grown to be loved and used by many, its value has increased substantially. Such a huge and consistent rise in popularity cannot be overlooked for the company’s future.
The brand is simply too large to fail. Granted, could they actually suffer a loss and go into bankruptcy? Of course, but by stating that they are too large, it means that failure for Apple is not likely, especially anytime soon.
Apple now has millions of enthusiasts who don’t consider themselves as consumers. Apple enthusiasts deliberate that the corporation is more of a brand or a culture, not just an electronic company. Fans like these only buy from Apple when the option is available, and will probably continue doing so even while under Cook‘s guidance.
More so, the company is too large to fail because of how profitable they are. Since they recently opened more the option of trading Apple products to other countries due to high demand, the profitable range of Apple is guaranteed to climb.
As far as the future for Apple goes, only time will tell. The company will need some time to get a feel for the new CEO as he gradually comes to understand his mission statement and how to achieve his plans.
Since Jobs himself personally recommended Cook, he probably has a mind to match that of his predecessor. With Jobs came the iPod, the iPhone, and the sleek and unique design of the Mac computers we know today. All of these were unforeseeable before he stepped on as CEO. That being said, there’s no telling what Cook may produce once he’s finally settled into his new office.
Jobs won’t permanently leave the company though. He also requested in his letter that he remain in the company’s best interest as Chairman of the Board.
Needless to say, he got the job.