By John Waterman
By John Waterman
Music is an intricate pattern of notes orchestrated in such a way you can simultaneously experience every emotion unique to the human mind. To do so requires a vast understanding of the human psyche as well as the determination and talent to develop the music itself.
On Oct. 17 the Coffee Depot in the Riverside Plaza held Open Mic Acoustic night, giving lesser-known musicians a chance to have their songs heard.
A show such as this is without a doubt one of the most diverse and genuine demonstrations of music seen in a while. It isn’t tainted by money or production companies.
These musicians didn’t have any distortion to assist them; making this event a raw illustration of unplugged talent.
Those attending and performing included: hippies, squares, beauties with rosy cheeks, students, rockers, Christians, and returning veterans of coffee house music.
This wide variety of people set their differences aside and met on a common ground for the love of music and melody.
Performers played original music as well as songs by classic rock legends such as The Beatles, Bob Dylan, and The Eagles, as well as a surplus of songs that everyone’s heard, but no one can name.
Sadly, in most cases determination surpassed talent. But in a circumstance such as this, talent seemed to be irrelevant.
Artists made an effort to give away every scrap of energy to the audience. If even a single soul could feel the music, then they had done their jobs.
The best performance of the night was by a small nameless Christian ensemble who explained that through music they can “find their peace under the sun.”
They answered the question why do people need music.
Simple really, it’s the healthiest of releases; which are necessary to alleviate the stress of everyday life.
With a harmonizing chorus of voices, a steady guitar, and concrete bass; they proved to be the most promising act of the night.
Ed Dos, an eight year veteran of coffee house, takes pride in coordinating the Open Mic Acoustic.
“It’s all about the music, and helping out the artists,” Dos said.
The acoustic coffee house tour takes place a number of days throughout the week.
Beginning at the Coffee Depot in the Riverside Plaza every Tuesday, then up to Mission Grove’s It’s A Grind on Wednesday, finally to the Downtown Riverside Coffee Depot on Mission Inn Ave on Thursday nights. All events begin when the sun goes down.
If you’re interested and want to listen to some good tunes come down and show your support for local music.