By Staff Editorial
By Staff Editorial
There might be a cricket infestation in the Landis Auditorium.
During the chancellor forum Nov. 28, a rather simple question was asked.
“Why would a chancellor candidate want to come to this district,” Seraphin Zasueta, a consultant in the search for our next chancellor, asked the timid audience. He and fellow consultant Narcisa Polonio watched the crowds faces as they returned the human equivalent to a tumbleweed floating.
And silence ensued… followed by more silence, followed by a slight cough and the sound of a flushing toilet by a nearby restroom.
That’s when you have to contemplate the conundrum that is Riverside Community College District. At least 20 faculty and students attended (well, four students) to give their input on what they want in a new chancellor, but no one had any clue what they had to offer a chancellor.
There’s no sound worse than the void where our accomplishments should be, especially when we have so much to be proud of. We’ve pounded into your heads the positive qualities of RCC, so let’s not tread over that again.
But let’s say this: SOMETHING. Let’s stand up for ourselves. If someone asks what RCC has to offer, just think of what you’re getting out of this school.
We’ll do an experiment for you. Here’s a list of some of the most minimal things we can say about this college (note that these are not sarcastic, for once):
We have great pretzels.
Our landscapers are second to none.
The RCC Bookstore is constantly (CONSTANTLY) filled with students eager to buy books at the beginning of every semester.
We have pretty roses.
The bathrooms in the Digital Library are fancy. (Third floor is never a bad trip.)
The new parking structure is beautiful at night. Take a date! Maybe they’ll appreciate the architecture!
If these aren’t reason enough for a chancellor candidate to be interested, maybe they’ll notice the boatload of programs, clubs, and awards that envelope the district.
But there wasn’t a sound. The entire audience sat like a group of fifth graders who were being yelled at.
The attendees had plenty to say, however when it came to finances. It was like the Fourth of July when it came to who wanted more focus on what financially. When it came to pride and honor in the school, that’s when things got thrifty.
Along with the flaccid response to why our school is worthy of a chancellor, there was also the lengthy list of desirable qualities handed out to the audience by the consultants.
Judging from the two-page list of what a chancellor should have, we’ve come to two possible solutions: either we will have to settle for a chancellor that is not everything we want, or our next chancellor is John F. Kennedy.
So let’s move things along. Polonio and Zasueta said they would have their information online soon, but we’ll save you some time.
If you have anything you’d like to add on what our next chancellor should be, here’s the way to have your voice heard;Polonio can be contacted at [email protected] or at (202) 276-1983 and Zasueta can be contacted at [email protected] (562) 400-4443.