Javier Cabrera | News Editor
Associated Students of Riverside City College had a constitutional referendum March 19 at RCC , according to Doug Figueroa, president of Associated Students of RCC.
“What that means is that our student government along with a lot of several students have gotten together to collaborate and see how we can stream line our constitution to make it better, maybe change the wording and some of the requirements,” Figueroa said.
RCC students went to the polling booths to vote on the revised constitution proposal March 19.
“It has to be voted upon by the students (for how) the constitution is (supposed to be) for Associated Students of RCC , what governs us all and our student activities on campus,” Figueroa said. “We are required to get a two-thirds vote of the (RCC student body voting).”
He said the constitutional referendum is important because the constitution is what governs the student body.
“Each student pays a $10 student activities fee when (he or she) pays their fee at the beginning of the semester; those fees are then decided on how they are going to be spent in an effort to govern student government,” Figueroa said. “It’s important to get students involved in this process because it simulates sort of the constitution we have for the United States, anytime that we have any amendments or laws going into place, it affects the constitution and the way the constitution is interpreted; I think it’s important for us to be involved in this process.”
He said the constitutional referendum is leading up to two important elections that are coming up later in the year.
Amanda Waring contributed to this report.