By Griffith Fuller
By Griffith Fuller
Local propositions and measures for the Riverside County and city focus on such issues as funding for medical employees and tax revenues from tribal and non-tribal casino establishments.
Proposition 65 permits suspension of state mandate if no state reimbursement to the local government within 180 days after the obligation is determined. This requires voter approval for reduction of local fee or tax revenues. Proposition 67 is for the funding of emergency medical services that includes emergency room physicians, hospital emergency rooms, community clinics, emergency personnel training or equipment, and the 911 operator telephone system.
Proposition 68 focus on the percentage of gaming revenues to fund government services from non-tribal commercial gambling establishments. In contrast, proposition 70 focuses on the percentage tribes contribute of net gaming income to state funds. Proposition 69 requires the collection of DNA samples from all felons, and from others for or charged with specified crimes. These are for submission to the state DNA database. This proposition also provide for the funding. Proposition 72 allows voters to approve or reject legislation requiring health care coverage for employees as specified, who work for large and medium employers.
Measure HH determine whether the Charter of the City of Riverside be amended to provide that minors may be appointed to city boards or commissions with preferential voting privileges only or to a youth commission. “Offering minors the opportunity to hold a seat as preferential voters will give the youth in Riverside a voice in shaping their community and a practical lesson in the operations of city government,” Connie Howard Leech said. “A ‘yes’ vote on Measure ‘HH’ will not take a seat away from an adult on any city board or commission.”
Measure LL determine if the Charter of the City of Riverside be amended to change the city’s independent auditor at least every five years. “Mandatory rotation of service provider after five years shall help insure the most credible audit services for the City,” Sharon L.B. Tyrrell said. In argument against Measure LL Finance Director for the city of Riverside said “Corporate failures and reported conspiracy by independent accountants have raised concern about auditor independence.”