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New details have emerged regarding the student housing for RCC students which is currently under construction on the University of California, Riverside campus.
In an email sent by RCC to students, housing is expected to be available for selected students in August. A projected date for when students can apply has not yet been released.
Melissa Garrety is the Senior Project Planner for this new housing project, titled North District Phase 2. When asked about how the project came to fruition Melissa says, “The main driving force is that the state made available this grant money for student housing. Obviously, UCR and RCC have a significant need. Enrollment at UCR has increased tremendously over the past decades. It is at RCC as well.”
Due to the lack of additional space on RCC’s campus, housing was constructed at UCR. “UCR and RCC have a long history of working together and offering pipeline programs to get RCC students over to UCR but had not ever partnered on a housing project before,” Garrett said.
When asked how city college students could benefit from being part of the university campus, Garrety said, “Being able to envision yourself there and see it and experience it and taste it so to speak, really builds the appetite and the desire and the motivation to have the full experience when you transfer.”
The new housing project will have mixed dorms where students from both the city college and university will be housed together. Out of the 1568 beds becoming available, 326 are reserved for RCC students.
Regarding rent prices, Garrety said, “The number that I have is right around $800, but RCC would be managing their portion of the housing.” It is undetermined if additional fees will be added to the cost.
Utilities will be included for UCR students, but information on whether they will be included for RCC students is not available yet.
When asked if students would have access to free or reduced-priced rent, Garrety responded, “So that $800 rent fee is already subsidized. Not all of the units will be at $800. It’s a mix of market rate and subsidized units. All of the RCC units are subsidized units.”
Regarding utilities and amenities, internet service will be included with rent. While it is uncertain if RCC students will have access to meal services, there is a small cafe in the building. Students will also be able to purchase meals in the campus cafeteria. For security, the University of California Police Department will be available to the campus.
An email sent out to students from RCC elaborates on the amenities. “You will have access to on-site study and social engagement spaces, a fitness room, a convenience store, and more. In addition, there will be access to several student-focused buildings on the UCR campus such as the library and dining centers.” Dorms will be 2-bedroom apartments with double occupancy rooms.
A student’s concern is whether LGBTQ or sex-separated dorms will be available. Garrety said “For UCR you can identify if you have a preference to live with someone of the same sex as you or if you don’t care if you have a male or female roommate. You can identify that when you fill out your housing questionnaire and they do their best to accommodate. I’m not sure how RCC will handle it.”
The new dorms will be designed for single students and will not be able to accommodate student parents with children.
“I am considering applying for student housing because it would allow me to take more classes,” student David Grajeda said. “It would make my commute shorter. That would be less of an issue. It will also be good for finding community instead of being a commuter.”
Students can fill out an interest form here RCC Student Housing Interest Form.
This is a developing story.