By John Michael Guerrero
Textbook rentals are due
Textbooks rented from the bookstore are due Dec. 19. You may mail in or drop off rentals in person to the Riverside City College branch.
Winter break
Classes will not be in session Dec. 18 – Jan. 2 for winter break. RCC campus and student services will not be available throughout those same dates in observance of legal holidays.
New Real ID Update
Everyone 18 years of age and older must have a Real ID-updated driver’s license or state identification card by May 5, 2025 for domestic flights in the United States. Passports are still needed for international flights. The Department of Homeland Security decided the two-year extension was needed because so many Americans have not yet applied for the federally-mandated Real ID at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The card can also be updated online.
Electric ordinance passed
The Riverside City Council voted 4-3 Dec. 6 to pass an ordinance requiring newly constructed buildings three-stories or lower to be fully electric beginning Jan. 6, 2023.
Incident report
A student was seen collapsed on the curb of Terracina Dr. in front of the Digital Library Dec. 12.
Nearby students who witnessed the incident immediately notified campus police. An emergency response team soon arrived to assess their condition. The student had obvious signs of trauma to the back of their head and was bleeding.
One witness was on scene and would be questioned about the incident by campus police. Several other students around the scene were also questioned. Further information could not be obtained due to campus police clearing the area.
The student eventually became conscious and was brought to a nearby hospital for assessments.
According to campus police, the student was safely transported for care and is expected to make a full recovery.
CORRECTION: In our previous issue, it was reported that Riverside City College has 2,800 students enrolled. That number was incorrect and has been corrected on our website to reflect the correct total.
If you have events happening on campus that you want featured on the calendar, send information about the event to [email protected].