Angel Peña is the outgoing Editor-in-Chief. (Image courtesy of Yesenia Huby)
Angel Peña is the outgoing Editor-in-Chief. (Image courtesy of Yesenia Huby)
By Angel Pena
I was shocked when I was appointed editor-in-chief of Viewpoints at the end of the spring 2019 semester. Emotions ran through my body and I was certain someone had made a mistake.
I soon realized that regardless of what I felt, the future of the Viewpoints newspaper rested in my hands. I sought to establish a mindset of passion, commitment and ambition.
Having become accustomed to trial and error in my first few weeks as editor-in-chief, I realized that striving for perfection is good but achieving perfection is a feat that is impossible to reach.
I began to notice a change soon after the first few hardships. It felt as if we were all working toward one goal, ensuring the success of everyone around us instead of just worrying about individual success.
My photography career also flourished during my two years with the program. Winning Photographer of the Year and other awards boosted my confidence going into the fall 2019 semester. These accolades, along with the help of Matt Schoenmann, the part-time journalism adviser, helped me get a freelance position with the Southern California News Group.
To future journalism students who may be reading this, joining Viewpoints was one of the best decisions I have made in my academic career. The people I’ve met, experience I’ve gained and knowledge I’ve acquired are second to none.
I am confident that I am leaving Viewpoints in a better place than when I arrived, but it wasn’t done alone. I had help from some very talented people.
My vision would have been incomplete without the contributions of Leo Cabral and Erik Galicia. I couldn’t have done it without their help. To them, I am forever grateful. They are pillars of excellence and have shown what it really means to be a journalist. I couldn’t be leaving the paper in more capable hands.
The friendships that have manifested in my time at Viewpoints will be cherished and last a lifetime. Like many others who have come before me, Viewpoints was my home and it will forever hold a place in my heart.