Feb. 9
Theft from Cafeteria
At 2:15 p.m. Cafeteria staff alerted Riverside City College Police of a male that had stolen a burrito from the school cafeteria. RCC Police used both eye witness account and video tape to Identify the suspect. RCC Police located the suspect on Brockton Avenue and arrested him for theft and an outstanding warrant.
Feb. 11
Non-student refuses to leave
At 10:54 RCC police respond to a report of a non-student male loitering around the Samuel C. Evans Sports complex field west of Magnolia Avenue next to Parking Lot T. The individual was asked to leave by an RCC athletics field caretaker. After refusing to leave RCC police arrived on scene and the individual left.
Feb. 17
Hit and run vehicle collision with no injuries
Vehicle collision occurred at 7:49 a.m. in the parking structure. No injuries were reported.
Feb. 17
Stolen vehicle
RCC Police received a report at 6:03 p.m. of a stolen vehicle. A vehicle was stolen at 8 a.m. from Parking Lot E on Terracina Drive.
Feb. 18
Stolen vehicle recovered
At 4:46 a.m. RCC Police recovered a stolen vehicle from Parking Lot Y. This was the same car stolen on Feb. 17 at 8 a.m. the previous morning.
Feb. 23
Graffiti found in Parking Lot T
Graffiti was found defacing walls and signs in Parking Lot T.
Written by Christopher Valdez