By Stephanie Holland

A Winning Crew (Turner Entertainment)
By Stephanie Holland
There was a time not so long ago when new television programming was limited to fall, with several weeks of reruns in the spring and summer.
However, cable outlets have begun to capitalize on the broadcast networks traditional eight month calendar by offering new programming year round.
This year March and April mark the premiere of a whole crop of new shows and new episodes of current hits.
One of the most hotly anticipated premieres is of the third season of TBS’s breakout comedy “My Boys.”
The show, which premieres March 31 and airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m., stars Jordana Spiro as PJ Franklin, a sports writer who is constantly trying to balance her love life and her friends.
PJ’s supportive friends include her brother Andy, played by hilarious comedian Jim Gaffigan, her roommate Brendan (Reid Scott) and her best girlfriend Stephanie (Kellee Stewart), whose recent success as a relationship expert has brought a different perspective to the guys’ world.
In the first season, PJ spent her time bouncing between guys, however, at the end of Season 2 she decided she was ready to reunite with one time hook up Bobby (Kyle Howard).
Since they first met, Bobby has become a regular member of the crew, so their romantic interest in each other has added a new layer of comedy to an already funny show.
The thing that makes “My Boys” so irresistable is the realness of the humor. These characters talk to each other like real people so it makes viewers feel like they’re checking in with their cool friends from Chicago and not watching a weekly television show.
Adding another layer of hilarity to the show are PJ’s pals, Mike and Kenny. Played by comedians Jamie Kaler and Michael Bunin respectively, they add a Laurel and Hardy charm that helps keep the show grounded.
Most of the success of “My Boys” can be attributed to Spiro. It is her mix of girl-next-door charm and sexy coolness that make PJ someone that both men and women love.
With a solid cast and sharp writing, “My Boys” offers viewers a hilarious solution to the rerun blues and postions itself to become cable’s next big hit.