By Erin Hudson and Chris Johnson
By Erin Hudson and Chris Johnson
by Erin Hudson
Marriage as we know it is changing, and not necessarily for the better.
A “yes” vote on Proposition 8 will keep what is one of our most sacred traditions intact.
In 2000 over 61 percent of Californians voted in favor of Proposition 22, that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”
Four judges overturned the people’s votes and voices, due to the fact that the language wasn’t put into the state Constitution when it was approved.
Proposition 8 reads exactly as Proposition 22 did, passing Proposition 8 will now amend the State Constitution directly so it won’t be able to be overturned again.
Proposition 8 won’t change any of the rights same-sex partners currently have. Under California law “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits” as a married couple and nothing will change that.
All laws pertaining to same sex relationships will stay the same.
The majority of Californians have already voted and passed the legislation to keep marriage as it has always been, between a man and a woman. Let’s make it permanent this time.
by Chris Johnson
Voting “yes” on Proposition 8 is gay bashing. There really isn’t a middle ground on this.
Same-sex marriage is legal right now in this state. No heterosexual marriages have been canceled. The moon hasn’t turned to blood.
Same-sex marriage has posed no threat, and the only reason to vote yes on Prop 8 is bigotry.
Gay bashing is the last form of politically correct discrimination.
It’s not okay anymore to make laws persecuting different races, religions or genders. Gay people are the last minority left to oppress, and that’s what Proposition 8 does.
Marriage isn’t under attack. The only thing that needs protection is equality.
The California supreme court ruled that gay marriage is legal because the state constitution guarantees equality to all residents.
Prop 8 would amend the constitution to override the equality that all residents are guaranteed.
Equality isn’t just a word. It’s the value that says a black man should make as much as a white man in the same job. It’s the value that says a poor man’s vote counts as much as a rich man’s vote.
It’s one of the few values worth shedding blood for. Voting to stifle it is unpatriotic.
A “yes” vote on Proposition 8 says to gay people, “Who you are is against the law.”
A “no” vote on Proposition 8 says, “I think equality is a value worth preserving.”