By Griffith Fuller

By Griffith Fuller
One of the most controversial frontrunners during this presidential campaign, not only because of her gender, but also because she is the wife of a former president. Conservative Republicans suggest that her “universal healthcare” plan is a step towards socialism because of its proposal of big businesses being required to provide mandatory healthcare to its employees and tax credit benefits that would be distributed to small business owners that provided health care to its employees; meanwhile low-income families could enroll in a program similar to Medicare as well as to plans offered to federal government employees. Liberal activists claim that Clinton’s health care plan is not “universal” at all, but similar to what is currently in action.
Clinton voted for No Child Left Behind in 2001, but regrets her decision today. She is in favor of civil unions with full equality and “letting the states maintain jurisdiction over marriage.” Sen. Clinton wishes to carefully redeploy the troops out of Iraq, withhold aid from the Iraqi government to put pressure on them for stabilization, and further invest in diplomatic efforts.