By Stephanie Jun

Construction continues on the A.G. Paul Quadrangle to return it to its original design. (Christopher Dietrich)
By Stephanie Jun
Excitement over the reopening of the A.G. Paul Quadrangle has come to a crescendo, but the fences around the half-finished building have yet to come down.
“We are already ahead of time. It was never delayed. It should be finished around the summertime, approximately August,” said Cecilia Wong, Executive Dean of Technology and Learning Resources.
According to Robert Gurrola, Director of Facilities, in the Feb. 13, 2006 issue of Viewpoints, the Quad’s completion was set for the spring semester of this year.
Viewpoints attempted to contact Gurrola on the topic, but he refused to talk, claiming he was too busy.
Wong’s reasoning for the renovation of the Quad is to exhibit not only the historical significance, but the technological advances of the school.
“The Quad is as old as the school… it was outdated and wasn’t up to standard,” Wong said.
Wong believes that the Quad should be retrofitted with audio/visual presentation equipment, including LCD screens.
The necessary renovations will also include plumbing, electrical and air-conditioning systems.
According to Wong, one of the reasons the Quad is so vital is because the “glory days” needed to be restored to the college.