By Arianna Cervantes & John Michael Guerrero
E-textbook accessibility concerns raised at Academic Senate meeting Dec. 6
Riverside City College instructors and Academic Senate members discussed textbook availability, stating that students should have access to more than one online and hard copy of required textbooks in the campus library. Librarian Sally Ellis said in the meeting that the library can only obtain one digital copy per physical copy but, if funds allow, the librarians can look into acquiring more copies. The library is in the process of digitizing hard copies of books available for checkout that are not yet available online.
Book rentals are due
Books that were rented out from the bookstore are due, you may mail in or drop off rentals in person by Dec. 19.
Important upcoming dates for Riverside City College
Final exams will take place Dec. 11-17. Be sure to utilize tutoring resources and student services on campus & online via RCC’s official website. The final day of the fall semester is Dec. 17.
Winter and spring registration
Winter classes begin Jan. 3. Spring classes begin Feb. 13. Registration for winter and spring are currently open via EduNav (https://rccd.edunav.com/app/student) and MyPortal (https://portal.rcc.edu/).
Winter break
Classes will not be in session Dec. 18 – Jan. 2 for winter break. RCC campus and student services will not be available throughout those same dates in observance of legal holidays.
California State University & University of California application deadline extensions
Various CSUs and UCs have extended their deadlines. For CSUs, check the major you are interested in and check the application date. Each CSU will have varying due dates for a major. Use the link to check your application extension date: https://bit.ly/32Uc9Re
The following UCs have extended their Fall 2023 application due dates: UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. Refer to the link for applications: https://apply.universityofcalifornia.edu/my-application/login.
For information about RCC fall virtual drop-in hours, and fall virtual workshops, please visit the transfer center website: https://www.rcc.edu/student-support/transfer-center.html.
New Real ID Update
Everyone 18 years of age and older must have a Real ID-updated driver’s license or state identification card by May 5, 2025 for domestic flights in the U.S. Passports are still needed for international flights. The Department of Homeland Security decided the two-year extension was needed because so many Americans have not yet applied for the federally-mandated Real ID at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The DMV suffered a severe backlog but the card can also be updated online. The announcement came out only five months before the current enforcement deadline was to occur on May 5, 2023.
$5 million grant to aid former foster kids and at-risk pregnant moms
The Inland Southern California United Non-profit organization was awarded $5 million for a pilot program that will aid former foster youth and at-risk pregnant mothers up to $1,200 monthly.
The grant is funded by the California Department of Social Services. Last week they announced they would be giving $25 million in grants to seven pilot projects across the state, including the Inland Empire.
If you have events happening on campus that you want featured on the calendar, send information about the event to [email protected].