By Andrea Cabral / Staff writer

Paying more (Luis Solis / Staff Photographer)
By Andrea Cabral / Staff writer
Students will have to dig deeper into their pockets because Riverside City College raised the cost of parking permits to $50 for the new fall semester and $25 for the summer semester. RCC was allowed to do this because of legislation which was passed that allows increases in parking fees.
The legislation was permitted through an educational code that now allows the school to charge students $150 a school year for parking, but RCC was permitted to charge only $125 a school year.
Faculty members are also expected to pay the parking permit fee. A parking officer said faculty members have more of an option for buying the permits.
Solutions Credentials gives faculty members the opportunity to buy a permit through a private party and get it delivered during an acceptable time frame through a website equivalent to WebAdvisor for students.
RCC has seen its fair share of fee increases in the last year. During the 2012 summer session the cost of units went up.
“I think that the increase in parking permit prices are unnecessary and makes it harder for students to park on campus,” said RCC student Breanne Hull. “We already have had a large increase in cost of classes per unit.”
Some students believe that the parking fees should be incorporated in the student service fees.
“It’s bad enough our classes and books are always rising in price,” said RCC student Jennifer Ortiz. “Now this is just another way to burn through our pockets.”
Some students have even said that it’s not worth parking at the school anymore. Parking at a different location is becoming more common among students.
Staff parking does take a substantial amount of parking. The staff parking near the math and sciences building takes up a good portion of the parking.
A student brought up the idea that staff should have their own parking area so that all students can use the permitted parking however officers believe parking will be accessible for students.
“We are not anticipating any problems this year,” Sergeant Jack Kohlmeyer said. “There is adequate parking.”
Parking will also be affected by the amount of students that will enroll this year.
Since the new parking structure has been built it has added 1,170 parking spaces.
Brandon Gonzales says if he’s paying $50, he better get a decent enough parking spot and shouldn’t have to be looking for an hour and a half.
Unfortunately, purchasing a parking permit is the more practical thing to do. It’s a $45 ticket if the parking permit is not displayed properly.
Hull says she will continue to park at the school because parking is prohibited in most places surrounding the school, she doesn’t really have any other option.
“As for parking permits, sadly I will cave in and buy one just for convenience,” Ortiz said.