By Stephanie Holland / Editor in Chief
By Stephanie Holland / Editor in Chief
Many side dishes and desserts can be cooked in advance, so that on the big day all your focus is the turkey and your guests. Though it’s a tradition, stuffing a turkey can lead to undercooked food which leads to food borne illnesses. Your guests will be better off if you cook turkey and stuffing separately. Do not constantly open the oven to check on your bird, it will cook faster with the door closed. For smaller birds, in the morning before it will be cooked defrost turkey in the sink with cold water. It will save room in a packed refrigerator. Thanksgiving is what you make of it, so don’t feel obligated to cook a traditional turkey and stuffing dinner. Be creative and think outside the box. For the culinary challenged, most supermarkets offer pre-made dinners that only have to be warmed up. Don’t be afraid to use these as a starting point.