By Mel J. Fleming II – Special to Viewpoints
By Mel J. Fleming II – Special to Viewpoints
I have just seen the film, “The DaVinci Code.” As I leave the cinema building, I’m approached by someone, who says to me that if I really want the “truth” about the Code I should now attend a special meeting at The Cornerstone Church in Riverside.
Obviously the film lied to me, and I need to obtain the real “truth” behind this film. I must say, first as a thinking person, secondly as someone who considers himself well versed in Christian doctrine, this apparent attitude both embarrassed, and angered me.
This film is certainly no threat to anyone of religious faith. In fact it behooves me to ask.
If your faith is solid in what you believe, and is unshakable, why is it that a film made by Ron Howard going to upset you? Is Jesus sitting nervously on his throne worrying about the film? I doubt it.
People of faith should know better. If you feel secure in the “truth of your faith, no amount of criticism, parody or controversy should be easily upsetting your set of values.
Unless of course your faith is not as rock solid as you assert. I wonder at people who feel the need to “defend the faith.” Is not the best defense of faith demonstrated in how the quality of your lives in both public and private are observed?
Now I can understand people who might be upset at this film.
But your behavior tells me there’s something wrong when you feel the need to defend your religion, especially when it’s truth should not require it.
In the Old Testament, there’s a story of a man named Gideon, who destroys the Altar of Baal.
The priests of Baal come seeking the man out to kill him in revenge. When they reach the home of is father, explaining why, Gideon’s father answers with: “Well if Baal is indeed a god, why can’t he kill Gideon himself? Why does he need your help, seeing how he’s a god?” The priests of Baal considered this, and left.
The truth of any religion is revealed in quality of life of its followers, not in the rantings, and demonstrations of defensive behaviors.
I certainly believe the last thing on Jesus’ mind is a film written on a popularized theory at best.