By Michael Sanchez

By Michael Sanchez
They are a “dirty team” those were the words chosen by Tigers head soccer coach Francisco Melgarejo.
The Tigers survived the sting from the Fullerton Hornets with a 2-0 victory. Coach Melgarejo really provided leadership from the sidelines, ordering the Tigers to play hard.
The Tigers seem to have the edge when it came to foul calls, many of the foul calls went in their favor. Within moments of viewing the game, one could feel the intensity between the two teams. In fact, it got so intense that the Hornets head coach Scott Giles was thrown out of the game with a red card.
Giles walked onto the field insisting with the referee that the second goal made by the Tigers was not a goal. He contested that it went inside through a loose end of the soccer net. The referee then popped Giles with a vigorous red card. Giles then stormed off the field.
After a few minutes the soccer game was again stopped, this time by Melgarejo. Melgarejo singled out to the referee that coach Giles was still sitting with the fans in the visitor stands, and that he had not left the game. Giles was then ordered to leave the soccer field without further incident.
However, at the end of the game when both teams were walking on to the field to give their traditional handshakes, Melgarejo ran onto the field and ordered his players not to shake hands with the Fullerton Hornets. After all you should not shake hands with a “dirty team.”